Help baby spring forward

Help baby spring forward

Oct 14, 2022Twins N Triplets Sdn. Bhd Admin

It’s that time of the year again, it’s time to Spring forward! Daylight savings time begins on March 13, 2022. While we all enjoy that extra hour of daylight in the evening, for those of us with small children, this time change can be a bit tricky as we lose an hour of sleep. Suddenly 6:00 pm becomes 7:00 pm and our kiddos can have a hard time adjusting to an “hour earlier” bedtime, yet we don’t want to keep them up too late and start a cycle of overtiredness. This small-time shift can cause disruptions in your baby or toddler’s nap schedule or sleep schedule and overall cause an overtired baby. Luckily, I’ve got some tips and tricks to help you! With a little preparation and a sleep strategy in your back pocket we can help adjust your baby to the time change with little to no disruption to their sleep patterns!

Daylight Savings and Baby Sleep

Even though the time is only changing by one hour (similar to how we’re affected by jet lag) that one hour can cause a disruption in your baby’s circadian rhythm for a few days. Lucky for us parents though, this time change isn’t quite as disruptive on sleep as the fall time change is. Most kids will adjust fairly easily and quickly, but there are a few things you can do to prepare them in the week or so leading up to daylight savings time beginning. 


If you need help with assessing your baby's sleep space or have any sleep questions, please reach out to me,  

Baby Brezza is proud to partner with sleep coach Molly Leighton. She can help you get your your baby on a solid schedule and achieve your goals. Contact Molly at, visit her website at or follow her on Instagram (@sleep.shore) or Facebook (@sleepshore) 

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