How to prepare baby for daylight savings time (fall back)

How to prepare baby for daylight savings time (fall back)

On November 7th we will turn the clocks back and daylight savings comes to an end. For parents with small children, ‘falling back’ doesn’t mean that you can spend an extra hour in bed. Parents of small children dread these changes in schedules, rightfully so! These shifts in schedules can create challenges with nap and bedtime routines. With some understanding on how the time change affects our sleep and planning ahead for our child, you can make this transition easier!


For those who don’t have young children, you will get an extra hour of sleep on November 7th - yay!  For those with small children, this is the more difficult time change because schedules are moving BACK one hour. This time change can be especially challenging for children who are already early risers. As an example, a child who typically sleeps from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. will now be on a 6 p.m. to 5 a.m. schedule. The amount of sleep they get has not changed, but the clock has. Children who are already struggling with sleep may have difficulty adjusting to this change and it could take up to two weeks for their internal clocks to adjust.

Fortunately, there are ways to plan for this time change, let's dive into it.


If your child is not sensitive to schedule changes

If your baby is a great sleeper and is typically not sensitive to schedule changes, then you don't need to do anything prior to Daylight Saving Time. The adjustment is going to require very little effort on your part and is all done after the time change. You will be responding to the time change, rather than anticipating the time change.

If your child is sensitive to schedule changes

You will want to gradually shift wakeup time, bedtime and naps in the days leading up to November 7. To change our biological clocks by one hour, you will move wake time, naps and bedtime slowly over a few days in anticipation of the time change.


Daylight Savings How To Guide Sensitive Sleepers add 15 minutes starting november 4, less sensitive add 30 min starting november 7

The beginning and end of daylight saving time can cause disruptions to sleep for adults and children. Younger children will likely get up early after this time change but by using the tips above and making small changes to your child’s sleep schedule before November 7th, it can help ease the transition.

If you need help with assessing your baby's sleep space or have any sleep questions, please reach out to me,  

Baby Brezza is proud to partner with sleep coach Molly Leighton. She can help you get your your baby on a solid schedule and achieve your goals. Contact Molly at, visit her website at or follow her on Instagram (@sleep.shore) or Facebook (@sleepshore)

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