How to soothe colicky babies

How to soothe colicky babies

Oct 13, 2022Twins N Triplets Sdn. Bhd Admin

It’s normal for newborns to cry and fuss. But when a healthy, well-fed infant cries for longer than three hours a day, more than three days a week, a pediatrician may say that the baby has colic. 

A colicky baby will have episodes of intense, high-pitched crying, often at the same time every day, for no obvious reason. Colic can begin a few weeks after birth, reaching its peak between the baby’s fourth and sixth week. Colic is not harmful, and babies will typically outgrow it by the time they are four months old. 

But while colic is not dangerous, it is extremely frustrating for parents. You don’t want your baby to be in discomfort and screaming in pain. Equally frustrating is that health care professionals aren’t exactly sure what causes colic, which makes it challenging to treat. If you’re a parent trying to ease a colicky baby, here are some traditional colic remedies, as well as some novel new ideas that may provide some relief. 

Minimize Gas

While the cause of colic is unknown, some people believe gas plays a role. Burp your baby and see if that helps. If you are nursing, you may want to ask your doctor if there are any gas-producing foods you should be avoiding that could contribute to the issues. Some other ideas that can help with gas include:

Avoid Shaking The Formula Bottle 

Do you shake your baby’s bottle to break up formula clumps and mix the contents? You could be creating air bubbles that will end up in your baby’s belly. One product that can help minimize air bubbles — and save you a lot of time preparing bottles too — is the One Step Formula Mixing Pitcher . It has a unique mixing wand that mixes easily without air bubbles or clumping with one press of a button!

Avoid Overfeeding

Overfeeding can make a baby feel very uncomfortable. With products like Baby Brezza Formula Pro Advanced Baby Formula Dispenser with patented mixing technology that automatically mixes, heats and dispenses formula or water, you can easily keep track of exactly how much you are feeding your baby throughout the day.

Use Anti-Colic Bottles

Yes, there are bottles designed specifically to help prevent colic! The secret to these bottles is an anti-colic vent system built into each wide, breast-like nipple, which ensures your baby swallows milk, not air, helping to prevent gas. The benefits don’t stop there. These bottles have a unique two-piece design that can save up to 10 hours per year in cleaning and assembly. 


One Wisconsin mom of a colicky baby said her kid was “a huge fan”

It works! My kid is a huge fan.
“My son has been so colicky and sad lately and nothing seemed to work. He was having a meltdown and was so much happier after I put this on him for a few minutes! It helps when I need to get a couple of things done and he needs to be soothed. Would highly recommend 😊.”

Calm Your Baby Naturally 

Colicky babies are sometimes overstimulated by bright lights and loud sounds. Try the following to calm your baby:

  • Swaddling with a soft and breathable swaddle suit
  • Rocking 
  • Laying your baby tummy down (baby should be awake) and rubbing his or her back — always supervise tummy time 
  • Keeping baby in a quiet and dimly lit room
  • Giving baby a pacifier
  • Taking a car ride
  • Using a white noise machine

You may also want to try the Soothing Mat. This pediatrician-recommended portable, lightweight vibrating mat mimics the sounds and motions of a mother’s womb, activating your baby’s natural calming response. It features four levels of vibration, two heartbeat modes, and is available in two sizes. Roll it up and bring it wherever you go. The Tranquilo Soothing Mat was invented by an infant crying specialist and maternity nurse and was featured on “Shark Tank.”

While managing colic is challenging and your patience may be wearing thin, the good news is that it is not a serious health condition, and it is temporary. Cuddle and hold your baby as much as possible and as always, check with your pediatrician if you have any concerns. 

This information does not replace the advice of a doctor. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or other medical issues. Please consult your doctor to determine what is appropriate for your baby.

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